杰拉德集团董事会主席兼首席执行官Craig Dean先生希望就Pat Crepeault女士上周在一次行业论坛的发言后的一则媒体报道加以澄清。我们认为,该报道试图将Pat Crepeault女士和Min Zhang女士的董事会任命与一则争议联系在一起,该争议指责本集团在早先选择了多年来举办年度商业聚会的地点,是出于该地点靠近同时期举办的其他同行业活动的考量。
Dean先生一直认为,通过培养多元化,强大的执行和领导团队,集团将会发展为最为优秀的企业。适逢部分董事会成员届期离任,Pat Crepeault女士和Min Zhang女士因其个人所取得的职业成就及各自长达25年及19年的任职经历,被任命为杰拉德集团董事会成员,这是集团重组战略的重要一环。Crepeault女士于2017年12月获委任为集团董事会成员,是本集团最高级别的行政职位成员之一。Zhang女士于2018年1月被任命为董事会成员,担任杰拉德集团最大业务部门铜和铜精矿业务高级副总裁兼负责人。Zhang女士及Pat Crepeault女士均为本集团的股东。Dean先生根据她们各自担任的职位、资历、成就和集团持股情况,向其他董事会成员推荐两位高管作为候选人。Dean先生和整个董事会完全依据每位候选人各自的优点进行遴选
About Gerald Group
Gerald Group is one of the world’s leading global commodity trading companies offering services as a reliable partner in trade, finance and investment across the global supply chain. Founded in 1962, the Group has helped shape the dynamic of the global non-ferrous and metals trade and has grown to establish trading and representative offices in 18 cities and a presence in forty countries in all regions of the world.
Gerald focuses primarily on the commerce of commodities. Our customers and partners and span the supply chain from mines and producers to distributors and industrial end-users. As a merchant, we add value sourcing and marketing physical commodities across a global network. As a trader, we centralise and opportunistically manage the associated financial and logistical risks. Our core merchant and trading functions are supplemented by strategic investments, joint ventures and structured financing solutions which offer access and opportunity to a diverse portfolio of industrial assets. Gerald Group is privately owned by its employees, led by Craig Dean, Executive Chairman and CEO of the Group and has approximately US$ 3 billion in assets and US$ 10 billion in turnover.
For more information about Gerald Group, please visit: http://www.gerald.com or e-mail: info@gerald.com.